Field Vision

Football measured differently

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Field Vision on Google Play


We are measuring (and predicting) football in ways no one else has

The Industry's most

Advanced Live, real-time data feed.

Creating the Industries most advanced real-time, low latency dataset and live predictions.

Ai model

Proven to accurately predict football outcomes

Our Ai-driven model delivers a proven edge over Vegas consensus lines.

Football's most

Innovative performance evaluation metrics.

Using our proprietary data and machine learning to evaluate players & teams based on actual, on-field value.

Deep & Digestable

Insights for the Football professional

Our data and insights platform is designed to deliver deep, easily digestible insights that answer the game's most difficult and specific questions.

Our Products

Field Vision

Mobile App

The Field Vision Live Mobile application is the Informed Football fans hub for the live, real-time data and betting information every Sunday.

  • Ai tools offering insights for the league’s best matchups week-to-week.
  • Fantasy projections to manage your team.
  • Pre-game player & team yardage and point recommendations
  • Live model with ability to compare across all major platforms
Field Vision on the App Store
Field Vision on Google Play
Mobile App details
Field VisionPro

Field Vision Insights is a web-platform built for football creators & professionals, offering the ability to deep-dive into our industry leading player, team & game analysis

  • Access to all of our proprietary evaluation metrics
  • Unique, industry leading visualization tools to analyze and compare players & teams.
  • Ability to generate unique, player-level insights based on football-specific context & variables.
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Field Vision


Field Vision Enterprise is the industry's most comprehensive, real-time, low-latency data feed.

  • Real-time feed of both basic and advanced player & team metrics
  • Real-time player, team & game projections, updated live based on what’s happening on the field.
  • Proprietary, in-game trading tool for sportsbooks based on our In-game Drive Quality metrics
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Metrics Explained

Field Vision



Field Vision’s Matchup Index quantitatively measures the quality of a player or team’s matchup against the specific defense they are playing, AND whether or not that advantage is captured in their ‘expected yardage projection.

The Matchup Index ranges from -100 to +100, and is an indicator of the % over (or under) Vegas consensus we expect a player to perform. We account for matchup variables such as:

  • Defensive Scheme vs. Offensive tendency
  • Field Area performance
  • Point-of-attack and rushing strengths and tendencies
  • Personnel edges we have identified by model and film
Field Vision



Field Vision’s offensive Threat Ratings a comprehensive, data-based, outcome-driven method for evaluating offensive players.

Threat Rating is an expression of a players value relative to others in their position group. Our goal is to get to the most precise, data-informed ranking of players and how good they are based on the play-by-play results they actually produce on the field. We express this rating in the form of a percentile from 0-100, weighted within each position group

There are a couple key differences that make Threat Rating superior to other player evaluation methods:

  • Attributes value ONLY when and where it is deserved
  • Accounts for hidden value within each play and game
  • Is a comprehensive measure of value that differs by position
  • It deeply understands situational performance
Field Vision



Field Vision’s defensive Havoc Ratings are the most comprehensive, data-based, outcome-driven method for evaluating defensive players.

Our Havoc Rating is an expression of a players value relative to others in their position group, accounting for the scheme that they play in. Our goal is to get to the most precise, data-based ranking of players and how good they are relative to their peers based on the play-by-play results they actually produce on the field.

We express this rating in the form of a percentile from 0-100, weighted within each position group.

Similar to Threat Rating, our Havoc Ratings account for every piece of value (obvious and hidden) that we can measure on a play-by-play basis, and measure performance on a situation-specific basis.

Field Vision



Field Vision’s Drive Quality is the most accurate, predictive and real-time measurement of expected points football has ever seen.

In a collaboration between ShotQuality, we’re using computer vision, machine-learning and AI to measure SPACE, SPEED & ANGLES in real time to measure 4 key offensive metrics:

Pocket Quality

Catch Quality

Block Quality

Rush Quality

he team that creates the most space wins.  Space = freedom of Movement.  Freedom of Movement = Expected points.

And Expected Points, compared to ACTUAL RESULTS gives us a REAL-TIME edge.

Field Vision

Data, on it’s own, is not very helpful. A bunch of numbers tell me nothing.

It’s the Insights that are valuable. What do the numbers actually tell me? About a player. About a game. About a team and their ability to win.

At Field Vision, we built an Insights platform that doesn’t just throw data tables at you. We give you the ability to visualize that data, drill down to the question you are truly trying to answer, and make it easy for you to distill and share your findings with others.

Oh yeah, we also evaluate players, teams and games differently. We’re using machine learning, Ai and actual data science to measure the true performance of players, and the value they ACTUALLY deliver on the field on a play-by-play basis. It’s different than the way anyone does, and proven to be a better predictor of success.

Experience Field Vision Pro for yourself

$19.99/Month with annual subscriptionor$29.99/Monthly

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Our Team

Scott Bouska

Founder & CEO

Scott has spent his entire 18+ year career investing in, building and growing world-class brands in the Sports & Consumer products industries. Prior to Field Vision he spent 12 years as an executive at Nike, was an NFL agent and invested in consumer product companies. The common thread throughout Scott’s career has been his unique passion...

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Cameron Taylor

Co-Founder & Chief Data Officer

Cameron Taylor is a PhD graduate from Stanford Graduate School of Business bringing a unique blend of academic rigor and industry experience as the founding data scientist of Field Vision. With a background in machine learning, economic analysis, pricing optimization, and customer behavior modeling from the PhD, Facebook, and Instacart, Cameron combines technical expertise with a deep passion...

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Cody Alexander

Head of Football Operations

Cody Alexander is a recognized expert in defensive football and owns MatchQuarters, a content brand specializing in the subject. He has authored six books on the topic and has experience in coaching at both college and high school levels. His unique ability to deconstruct complex ideas into coachable concepts has been the cornerstone of his influence within the...

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Jackson Taylor

Director of Data Science

Jackson Taylor holds a master’s degree in data science from The University of Texas at Austin and is a lifelong fan of football. His background is originally in chemical engineering, with a bachelor’s degree from Rice University and professional experience in the semiconductor and oil and gas industries. As an undergrad at Rice, he co-taught a course titled...

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Sasha Bouska

Director of Content

As Field Vision’s content leader, Sasha blends his passion for football with a knack for content creation. With a successful career as a sports talk host in Kansas' biggest market, he dominated the afternoon drive slot with the top sports talk show in the area. Sasha brings a diverse skill set to the table, boasting extensive experience in...

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Cover Image for The Best and Worst Defensive Rosters in the NFL Heading into the Draft
By Cody Alexander

The first few rounds of NFL free agency are over, and teams are now focusing on Pro Days and last-minute tweaks to their draft boards. One way to create a road map for how teams will approach the NFL Draft is to examine their overall roster pre-free agency, what they did or didn't do to solve those issues, and then project those missing holes into the draft process.

Cover Image for Top 5 Offensive Acquisitions via Free Agency
By felixrjohnson

Offenses have been on the downturn statistically, but the emphasis on weapons in 2024 has made the free agency (and draft) moderately interesting. The affordability of some QBs has also diversified the range, but can you find your franchise's linchpin in the open market?


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Field Vision Sports

Football measured differently